Dwyane Wade and The Top 10 NBA Players With Killer Instinct

 is or isn't. But one trait is undeniable: Michael's Killer Instinct. MJ would not only beat you but slash your throat in the process. He took competitiveness to any entirely new level. He refused to lose.

Magic Johnson appeared to be all smiles, running and gunning, dishing and faking, but down deep, Magic was just as ruthless as MJ. The Magic man wouldn't want to lose at anything. He's notoriously known for wanting to win at cards on the team plane as much as Game Seven of the NBA Finals.

Larry Bird was brutal. He'd do anything to win. And, he'd look you in the eye and tell you that you were going to lose and how. So much so the legend goes that he walked into the locker room at an NBA All-star game before the 3-point contest and barked these famous words: "You're all playing for second." Bird then went out onto the court, kept is warm-ups on and calmly won the contest.

Cold blooded. That's the trait. Competitiveness. At everything. That's the characteristic. Not just willing to take the game winner but demanding it. Pushing teammates aside and telling them to get out of the way.

Playing each game, each minute, like it's your last. That's part of it. You get the drift. ON both ends of the court, whether a pre-season scrimmage, a dog day of February game or the NBA Finals, the players with killer instinct rise up and rip your heart out.

So, who today has these same traits as legends of the past?

Here's ranking the Top 10 Players in today's NBA who have real Killer Instinct?

1. Kobe Bryant. He might actually have more killer instinct that MJ or Magic. He's the definition of warrior. No one in the game today comes close to matching Kobe. He's number one and there isn't a real number two. He's like Bird before that three-point contest. With Kobe's gladiator mentality, everyone else is really playing for second, especially when it comes to Killer Instinct.

2. Dwyane Wade. Forget LeBron James and all the hype. The real closer in Miami is the one that has been there all along. Wade is cut from the same mold as the legend's of the past. This guy comes to play, on both ends of the ball, each and every night. He pushes himself to near Kobe-like work ethic. Wade didn't win a Finals MVP for backing down or shying away. He's a winner, at everything.

3. Kevin Garnett. I can't believe this many Boston Celtics have made the list but there is no denying it. This guy's intensity is legendary. Sometimes, it boils over and burns not only other players but Garnett as well. Look at the mess his mouth as created recently. But does Garnett really care? No way. This guy is warrior through and through. Besides Kobe, no one comes close to matching how hard Garnett works. And, he's got the trash talking to match his Killer Instinct. Garnett is already a legend in both respects.


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